Fire engines in front of Shenton House, building evacuated

Fire engines in front of Shenton House, building evacuated

Fire engines were seen deployed outside Shenton House this afternoon(24 Feb), although no fire was seen from outside the building. At least one tenant was taken by an ambulance.
A general manager in the building, Raymond Tan, posted the incident on his Facebook.

“Fire at Shenton House 15F. Luckily my office 24F and car 4F. Docs and computer should be safe. SCDF arrived in 5 min. Building evacuated. Everyone safe,” he wrote.
Mr Tan told the Straits Times, “Most people thought it was a fire drill until the building management staff helping with evacuation told us it was a real fire.”
He said he was  having lunch in a second-floor eatery when the fire alarm sounded.
“I believe no one was injured. SCDF arrived within 5 minutes and the evacuation was orderly,” Mr Tan, whose office is located on the 24th-floor of the building, added.
Another tenant, Chee Yew Ho, tweeted the incident. He wrote, “Told to evacuate Shenton House, potential fire on 10th floor.”
ST reported Ms Hairiyah Ismail (63), who works for a reinsurance firm in the building, had to walk down 25 flights of stairs from her office.
“My colleague smelled smoke while she was in the toilet and called the management, who confirmed that there was a fire in the building and told us to evacuate,” she told the Straits Times.
“When I reached the ground floor, I saw a woman being taken away to an ambulance,” she said.
ST also wrote Andrew Chionh, a financial advisor, was at the nearby Asia Square Tower 1 at 1.15pm when he noticed two fire engines and a Red Rhino outside Shenton House after a meeting. “Many people were walking down the stairs and gathering outside the building,” he said.
“Access to the building was closed, but I didn’t see any fire or smoke,” Mr Chionh added.

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