Reply to EzBuy Response & EzPisser out there

Reply to EzBuy Response & EzPisser out there

by Typical Singapore Sales Bargain Hunter
Firstly, “gam xia” you, The Online Citizen (TOC) for publishing my post so I can share my real experience at EzBuy Warehouse Sales. I didn’t think it would be published, I also didn’t think it would garner so many shares and interesting comments. Wah. You are a good channel for me to reach out to my fellow SGreans about the latest happening just in time. I like you buddy. *shake hands*
I read with intrigue the comments that had been posted, some tagging friends to pre-empt, and of course very naturally some negative ones, saying I am a cheapskate, one notably saying that I should go to Ion Orchard or Paragon because I am a cheapskate expecting premium goods. Man, I salute you ler.
Economy so bad liao, you still can afford to go to Paragon to buy your furnishing. And you are one of the few who still go to Orchard area to shop in the midst this slump brick and mortar economy, where a lot of retail shops are closing down and losing out to online sites today.
COME, I CLAP FOR YOU. Thank you for still supporting the Singapore retail scene. We need more people like you. Good job. *pat on the back*
Me? Sorry, just an average middle-income Singaporean, I am and still prefer Ikea idea, price design functionality has to balance out. I shop retail and also shop online. In hokkien terms, want cheap and good can? I am just being me. Say all you want ok?
My brother-in-law told me abt the EzBuy event (good things must share right?), so I went to EzBuy Warehouse sales and see if got any EzPiPi+EzGood stuff to bring home or not. Simple?
And so, I shared my EzBuy shopping experience for a very simple reason: to help people understand the real situation. Come on, a lot of people are asking around on EZBUY Facebook oage if it’s worth the trouble going down this sale what? I cannot voice out to share meh?
I left school so long, and always like penning, so wrote my experience with heart via a popular FB page for the very first time to share with everyone. Just like that, as simple as that.
Yet keyboard warriors are bashing on me as a cheapskate, “i-deserve-it’, “i-shld-have-so-see-it-coming” “I told u so earlier” “You expect go there hi-tea ah?” when my first liner already said: MY EXPERIENCE.
Alamak, No one force you to read it if you are not interested to find out whats happening at ezBuy Warehouse sales right? OR, has everything u been reading on TOC just naturally ALREADY INSTILL into ur back of that brain that whoever posted on TOC is a NATURALLY a Complainer, and cannot be a kaypo to pre-empt other consumers meh? Don’t like that can?
Why some of you 怨气 (grievance)so many many? Breathe…
Can relax a bit? It is people like you that makes people hesitate about sharing info, about speaking up the truth, or let alone give out their real names online, thanks to you keyboard warriors. No wonder when I posted the previous article, first thing my sister and husband asked me was,
“You didn’t give your real name online right??”
To those “warrior commenters”: Please get a life, if your real life sucks, speak up for yourself, do something about it, take action, talk to someone or find help. Don’t hide behind those monitor like a pathetic mouse and turn all your real life disgruntles into cyberbullying.
Wah, imagine if I am just a young teenager or whoever some1 who takes each of your precious feedback seriously, then my 玻璃心 (glass heart) break into many many pieces already. 好心被狗咬 (good intention rewarded with ill malice).
Cyberbully. Reflect, Think about it.
And please hor, I been to a lot of warehouse sales, small, big, overseas, even our true blue pasar malam. Expo sales I been a lot, was a John Little Sale fan, (so sad they closed down, RIP), Crocodile Warehouse sales, Home Audio Warehouse sales, Philips warehouse sales etc. Aiya, many la. I went there with my family with much enjoyment and fanfare, like it’s almost a weekend outing affair for us, old and young.
People who been to above will mostly concur.
EzBuy, thank you for your response, I feel honoured, but no need apologise to me. Your apology is to minimise the impact I have possibly created i know. Okay I don’t mean to spoil your business okay? And if it so happened I missed the “top-up goods timing” like what you said, then I am very “suay” like the rest of all the commenters on your Facebook page.
Okay Sunday already.
I wish everyone please try to be happy happy and go get some fresh air today.
P.s:Excuse moi singlish cham chinese cham hokkien, Tot this wld inject some haha to all my #MadeInSG frends out there.

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