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LTA impounds e-scooter of PMD user after being caught riding on road



A woman who rode a personal mobility device (PMD) with her child on the road along Edgefield Plains has had her device impounded by the Active Mobility Enforcement Officers (AMEOs).
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) posted the incident on its Facebook and Twitter pages on Thursday (2 Feb), it did not say when the incident took place.

LTA stated that the rider’s actions had endangered herself and her child, and it said, “We would like to remind all e-scooter riders that it is an offence to ride PMDs on the road, and only bicycles and LTA-approved power assisted bicycles are allowed.”
Electric bicycles have been banned from footpaths while Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) like skateboards, kick-scooters, e-scooters and hoverboards cannot be used on roads after legislation was passed in Parliament on Tuesday (10 Jan).
“We will take enforcement action against any rider found breaking the law,” LTA added.


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