Returned SAF Terrexes ICVs undergoing post-training checks

Returned SAF Terrexes ICVs undergoing post-training checks

The SAF Terrexes Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICVs) that have returned home to Singapore, are transported back to its base camp to undergo detailed checks.
The detailed inspection will take a few days to complete, said the Minister for Defence, Ng Eng Hen, on his Facebook page yesterday (30 Jan).
The Ministry of Defence (Mindef) informed on 31 Jan morning that the Army have started thorough post-training administration for the Terrex ICVs and other equipment.

photo: Mindef
photo: Mindef
Chief of Army Major-General Melvyn Ong was on site to observe the serviceability checks and maintenance of the vehicles and equipment, the press release said.
The camp the vehicles will be taken to was not specified, but TOC understands that all Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles are based at Kranji Camp II, where the Motorised Infantry Training Institute is also located.
The vehicles and equipment had earlier departed from Hong Kong’s port at 4.15am on Friday (27 January) and arrived in Singapore on Monday at 2.40pm.
They were seized by the Hong Kong Customs and Excise department in November last year while passing through the port from Taiwan to Singapore.

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