Ministry of Education to appoint 61 principals including 7 for merged secondary schools

Ministry of Education to appoint 61 principals including 7 for merged secondary schools

The Ministry of Education (MOE) will be appointing 61 principals at the Appointment and Appreciation Ceremony for Principals, which will be held on 29 December 2016.

MOE stated in its press release on 21 October, the process of systematically appointing and rotating Principals allows schools to benefit from the infusion of fresh perspectives and enables experienced principals to share best practices across schools. It also gives these principals the opportunity to take on new challenges as part of their career development.

According to the press release, principals for seven merged secondary schools were also named.

MOE had announced on 4 March this year, that twenty-two secondary schools will merge over the next two years, due to falling student cluster sizes. This is the largest merger conducted in the past five years.

The seven principals for the merged secondary schools will be:


MOE also announced that there will be 13 new principals – five for secondary schools and eight for primary schools.

MOE said that, “The appointment is an important milestone for the 13 newly appointed principals as they assume major responsibilities as leaders in education.”

“For the 48 serving principals and HQ officers who are assuming new appointments, it is an affirmation of MOE’s confidence in their abilities to continue guiding our teachers and our students in our schools.”

Mr Wong Siew Hoong, Director-General of Education, will present the Letters of Appointment to the Principals at the Appointment and Appreciation Ceremony.

The ceremony will also acknowledge the contributions of retiring Principals and Senior Education Officers from MOE HQ who had formerly served as Principals.

Acting Minister for Education (Schools), Mr Ng Chee Meng, also will be present and he will be the Guest-of-Honour.

The complete list of the 61 Principals to be appointed could be found here.


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