Singapore congratulates DPP on their victory with emphasis on its "One China" policy

Singapore congratulates DPP on their victory with emphasis on its "One China" policy

In response to media queries on the elections in Taiwan on 16 January 2016, the Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokesman said:
“We welcome the successful conclusion of the elections in Taiwan on 16 January 2016 and congratulate Dr Tsai Ing-wen and her party on the victory.  As a longstanding friend, Singapore looks forward to maintaining our close relations and cooperation with Taiwan based on our consistent ‘One China’ policy.
Singapore supports the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.  We hope that both sides will build on the hard-earned achievements over the last few years, and continue to engage in dialogue and mutually-beneficial cooperation for the benefit of the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.  These efforts will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the region which will be welcomed by all.”
Singapore’s one China policy
In Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s first National Day rally speech in 2004, he said,

“Singapore’s one-China policy will not change.  A move by Taiwan towards independence is neither in Singapore’s interests nor in the region’s interests.  If Taiwan goes for independence, Singapore will not recognise it.  In fact, no Asian country is going to recognise it.  Nor will the European countries.  China will fight.  Win or lose, Taiwan will be devastated.  Unfortunately, I met only very few Taiwanese leaders who recognised this reality.  The problem is that it’s not going to be just Taiwan which is going to be damaged.  It will be a grave setback for the whole region.  Our hope for China to emerge peacefully and for the region to prosper through investments and trade and tourism will be shattered.”

Kong Quan, spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in Beijing said in response to Mr Lee’s speech,  “We noticed that Lee Hsien Loong has reaffirmed Singapore’s adherence to the one-China policy and its resolute opposition to ‘Taiwan Independence’,
“This accords with the interest of Singapore, reflects the common understanding of the international community and will benefit the peace and stability of this region,” he added.
In Dr Tsai’s speech to the international media on 16 January, she said that she will maintain the peace and balance between the straits as this is what everyone hope for and something that both sides would have to work hard for. She also added that she would keep to her promise that she made to the Taiwanese people and the international community of maintaining the “status quo”,
Mr Lee has yet publicly said anything on the Taiwan’s election result on 16 January.

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