Social media responds to news of Lui Tuck Yew stepping down

Social media responds to news of Lui Tuck Yew stepping down

Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew will not be running in the upcoming general election.

His letter of resignation was accepted by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong:

On his own Facebook page, Lee expressed his regret that Lui could not be persuaded to change his mind, revealing that Lui had indicated his desire to step down earlier this year.

Singaporeans immediately reacted to the news of a big minister leaving politics:

Some felt that Lui had been dealt a bad hand having inherited the problems with Singapore’s transport system and felt sorry for him:

Meanwhile, others speculated that the change of electoral boundaries – which led to the dismantling of Lui’s group constituency Moulmein-Kallang – was too much of a coincidence:

Other PAP MPs too posted about their disappointment in seeing Lui leave politics:

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