SDA: Viral rally speech videos have no relevance to current party positioning

SDA: Viral rally speech videos have no relevance to current party positioning

Singapore Demcrocatic Alliance (SDA) has come up with a press statement about old campaign videos of SDA, which are circulating the internet.

The party statement wrote,

“There has been a strings of video circulating online. These videos are rally speeches executed and hosted during the last elections.

However, those videos have no implication or connection to our current elections strategy. SDA understands those videos are currently circulating and deemed current content. This is not so. Those videos are off the table and have no relevance to our current positioning.

SDA has undergone a facelift to up our game, reinvent ourselves and improve what we have to offer.

We are also excited to announce our new lineup of candidates with a myraid of expertise to fortify our reach and appeal.

We reiterate that as a party we aim to stay relevant at all times. This includes tapping on new forms and media to reach out to.Singaporeans.

As such, the party will continue to make changes to be better and serve Singaporeans as we know best.”

One of such viral videos is shown below*. The creator of the video captioned the words as according to the pronunciation in the online rally speech by SDA’s chairman and Singapore Justice Party Secretary General, Mr Desmond Lim Bak Chuan.

The original series of videos were made for SDA’s rally speech in the Punggol East By-Election in 2013.

During the by-election campaign, the party said that no rally would be held at Punggol East, which would save at least $15,000 and the money would be spent to “do something new”.

However, the first-ever online rally in Singapore turned out to be somewhat of a PR disaster, with many netizens making fun of the auto caption of Mr Lim’s speeches, a free service provided by YouTube.

Mr Lim subsequently lost in the four-corner by-election contest, along with his election deposit of 16,000 dollars.

The original YouTube video below

[youtube id=”lxe2xn3dyTk” align=”center” mode=”normal”]

Update – Video in the article has been removed by the uploader.

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