PAP still unable to deliver what Singaporeans want

PAP still unable to deliver what Singaporeans want

By Noel Low

The coming GE will be interesting.

The power of People’s Action Party (PAP) will be diminished. It is unlikely to get even 55% of the valid votes. It is utterly arrogant, complacent that it is facing its own music. I wish some parasitical ministers and MPs will be eliminated in the process.

PAP has been resting on its laurels notwithstanding its robust, successful projections in many areas of improvement be it social infrastructure, business, health, etc.

The most important issues are that PAP has been unable to deliver what Singaporeans want.

The Pioneer package is a sweetener that comes with many disadvantages f
or the senior citizen. Avenue for follow up specialist centre has been narrowed to the extent it becomes impossible to see the specialist for follow up. Specialist follow up clinics are available only once a week and only from 3 pm onwards. How many patients can even with 10 specialist doctors available see within the 2 to 3 hours of consultation? This is given the hours extended to 6 instead of 5 pm.

Thus, on the one hand, PAP is showing its magnanimous gesture. On the other hand, it is tightening the screw to suffocate till death.

The government has been selling properties to the private sector. Housing Development Board (HDB) relinquishes its control on estates. Properties change hands to the tune of millions of dollars. This result with every cost going up and who is the ultimate sufferer.

Of course, we the citizens especially the senior citizens and heartlanders. The government comes out gallantly to subsidise and asking hawkers not to raise cost. Is this the way to check the on-going spiral?

Public buses especially SBS Transit (SBST) has been ignoring the request to help commuters through internal display in the bus telling commuters the location of the next bus stop. This request has been going on for years.

Thinking that PAP would help if SBS Transit rejects appeals were sent to PAP via the Prime Minister and Transport Minister.

It is not the case. PAP and SBST are in the same camp.

There is palpitation travelling in SBST. In the night where everywhere is pitch dark except for car lights, street lights and traffic lights, the commuter cannot be certain which bus stop to alight.

Sitting in their comfortable ivory towers, these PAP ministers refuse trying out themselves on SBST buses in the night and feel the distress that commuters have been going through.And yet, professing to care for the senior citizens! It is not the senior citizens. Young Singapore and tourists are in the same quagmire even in broad daylight.

Can you trust PAP? Workers’ Party does not have the ability to deliver an alternative. Let there be more opposing voices in parliament.

This comment was first published at Straits Times’s Facebook thread.

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