Goh Meng Seng: WP taken more than what it could chew

Goh Meng Seng: WP taken more than what it could chew

Goh Meng Seng

By Goh Meng Seng

While I know most of my haters and detractors here are mainly WP (Workers’ Party) supporters, but I would like to put this perspective forward to you.

WP has apparently taken more than what it could chew. Sylvia Lim has admitted that the management of WP’s Town Council is far from good as mistakes have been made. It is only wise for WP to focus on its current turfs of 7 seats, fortify themselves further instead of going into expansion mode and step into other unfamiliar turfs.

I do not wish to see WP losing its current seats just because of its unwarranted ambition to win more seats. And I do not think WP can convince voters that it could manage ADDITIONAL constituencies well when it is currently struggling with the present 7 constituencies’ municipal management.

WP may risk a total collapse of credibility if it won more seats but in the end TC management become a horrible nightmare. This will in return destroy WP totally by the elections after next. Stay focus on the current 7 seats will be its best strategy. I believe LTK will want to fortify his positions in these current seats instead of having the ambition to win even more seats.

Having said that, it would be natural to expect WP not to contest more seats than it has done before. In fact, it should be contesting less seats instead.

So I do not expect to have problems in multi-corner fight, especially with WP as long as they are rational and not that greedy or overly ambitious unless WP has other agendas which are not about winning more seats but disruption of other party’s chances of winning seats and growing the pie of opposition presence in parliament.

I am pretty optimistic that we have people with very rational and responsible heads in WP who would put the overall development of democracy for Singapore as top priority over party’s interests.

* Goh Meng Seng is a veteran opposition politician who has just registered a political party called the People’s Power Party.

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