New one-stop weather information website

New one-stop weather information website

Met Service weather website scThe Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) today launched a new one-stop website to provide “authoritative weather forecasts, warnings and advisories of heavy rain, smoke haze and geological hazards, as well as long-term climate statistics of Singapore”, announced the National Environment Agency.

The website,, allows the public to access more comprehensive real-time and past weather information of Singapore.

One key feature of the new website is a map display of real-time observations of temperature, rainfall, humidity and surface wind at various locations across the island, measured continuously by an island-wide network of over 60 automatic weather stations, with updates at five-minute intervals.

There is also information on lightning detected over the island, where users can get lightning alerts for pre-selected locations.

Forecasts of the weather over Singapore, ranging from hours to days ahead, are also available, and the website also provides a general weather outlook further ahead, such as fortnightly outlook, updates on the monsoon season and El Nino/La Nina weather patterns.

MSS also promises to provide regular updates and advisories on smoke haze, tropical cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions affecting the region.

Historical climatological records of Singapore since 1980 will also be available. “Such data will be of particular interest to people who wish to know the weather conditions on a specific day in the past, or to carry out analysis of past weather data,” said MSS in a media release.


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