Human Rights Watch / Graeme Reid, Director, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights Program

And Tango Makes Three
 is a children’s book about two adult male penguins who hatch an egg and raise a youngster. It is based on the true story of two penguins, Roy and Silo, of New York’s Central Park Zoo. And, in the view of Singapore’s National Library Board, it’s dangerous enough to get pulled from the shelves.
It wasn’t only And Tango Makes Three that fell under the board’s censorious eye – two other books, The White Swan Express: A Story About Adoption and Who’s in My Family?: All About Our Familieswere also pulled from circulation.
Reading the story of Roy and Silo, it’s hard to see what the controversy is about. But Singapore’s minister of communications and information, Yaacob Ibrahim, supported the decision of the National Library Board, saying its “approach is to reflect existing social norms, and not to challenge or seek to change them.”
“Child-protection” is often cited around the world as a reason for censorship.  That is the raison d’êtreof Russian legislation enacted in 2013, which   outlaws “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations amongst minors.” And for its antecedent: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s “Section 28” of the Local Government Act of 1988 that outlawed “promoting homosexuality” or the “acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship.” One of the sparks for the iniquitous Section 28 was an innocuous book available in a school library: Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin.
South African 1991 Nobel Prize in literature winner, Nadine Gordimer, who died Sunday, had this to say about censorship:  “Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever.”
This is true for everyone, but for kids who will grow up gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender, this has particular resonance. Censoring books, for no other reason except that they include same-sex relationships, sends a strong and negative message that “gay is not okay” even among penguins.  According to article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, “The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds.”
LGBT children, who are subject to disproportionate rates of bullying, and often experience feelings of isolation and alienation, are in desperate need of reliable, accurate and affirming information.  As do kids from families who have same-sex parents, just like the penguins.  Singapore’s libraries should aim at promoting inclusion and understanding rather than accepting discriminatory exclusion.

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前马国游泳选手 因逃兵役判监八周

24岁的林清煌,曾在亚洲青年运动会等区域性比赛中,在邻国马来西亚旗帜下获得奖牌。但是拥有永久居民身份的他,却因为逃避兵役触犯国民服役征召法令,而被判坐牢八周。 2010年,林清煌来到新加坡,并在体育学校上学直到2013年,在这期间他获得学费和培训费用的补贴。 2014年3月,他在外国体育人才计划下,获得本地永久居民地位,但他也必须参与国民服役。 两个月后他就收到要履行国民服役的通知,但他以完成共和理工学院文凭申请延期,他的请求被批准,国民服役也展延至三年后,即2017年5月。 但与此同时,他获得一家私人机构提供奖学金,结果他没有完成本地学业,而是2014年9月起在美国一所大学留学。 2015年6月,他因担心担心之前的行为,将影响他入境新加坡参加2015年东南亚运动会,于是返回新加坡做体检。 7月7日,林清煌的体检结果显示,他的身体状况可以入伍。但他却在同日飞往美国,继续申请延迟履行国民服役。 2015年11月11日,林清煌没有如期入伍报到,警方向他发布紧急公报。 直到2018年6月11日,林清煌完成大学学业后才返回新加坡,直到2019年4月入伍,今年2月2日完成兵役。 林清煌是在本周二(9日),被提控触犯国民服役征召法令。他辩称自己“太专注于游泳”,且听从了父母“不好的建议”,选择在本地服兵役前,就飞到海外完成学业。