The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced that from 1 August 2014 onwards, drivers driving into Singapore will expect to pay an additional S$15 dollars per day for the Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) and S$30 dollars per month for the Goods Vehicle Permit (GVP) fee.
The agency states that the cost difference has widened in recent years, giving rise to the need to revise the VEP and the GVP fee. As part of LTA’s latest review, the VEP fee for foreign-registered cars entering Singapore will be revised from S$20 to S$35 per day, and the GVP fee for foreign-registered goods vehicles will be revised from S$10 to S$40 per calendar month, starting from 1 August 2014.  The periodical review of the foreign vehicle permit fees to ensure that the cost of owning and using a foreign registered vehicle in Singapore is commensurate with that of owning and using a Singapore-registered vehicle.
Revised VEP Fee
The VEP-chargeable hours will remain unchanged: from 2am to 12 noon on weekdays during Singapore’s June and December school holidays, and from 2am to 5pm on weekdays outside these two school holiday periods.
The VEP fee increase only applies to foreign-registered cars and will not affect buses or taxis.  The VEP fee for foreign-registered motorcycles will remain the same at S$4 per day.  All foreign-registered cars and motorcycles will continue to enjoy the following VEP-free days and VEP-free hours:

  • Saturdays, Sundays and Singapore Public Holidays;
  • Normal weekdays per calendar year; and
  • Between 5pm and 2am on all other days (these VEP-free hours are extended to start at 12 noon instead of 5pm during the June and December Singapore school holidays).

Revised GVP Fee
Owners of foreign-registered goods vehicles can continue to purchase the GVP at the current fee of S$10 for July 2014. However, any GVP with a validity period beyond July 2014 will be charged at S$40 per calendar month.
LTA will continue to periodically review the VEP and GVP fees to take into account changes in ownership and usage costs of foreign-registered and Singapore-registered vehicles.
More information on the revised VEP and GVP fees for foreign-registered cars and goods vehicles is available at the Woodlands and Tuas Checkpoints. Motorists can also visit > ‘Roads & Motoring’ > ‘Driving In and Out of Singapore’, or contact LTA at 1800-2255 582 (1800-CALL LTA) if in Singapore, or 65-62255 582 if calling from other countries.

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