Man dies from injuries from self-immolation at Johor Baru

Man dies from injuries from self-immolation at Johor Baru

Image credit: China Press
Liu Shun Qiang, the 42-year-old Singaporean who set himself on fire on Saturday has succumbed to his injuries at about 10pm in Johor Baru (JB) last night.
Liu was earlier warded at the Sultanah Aminah Hospital after he had set himself alight by dousing himself with petrol at Century Gardens at JB on Saturday morning.
The manager of the petrol station said Liu was just pacing around the petrol station and walked to the office saying that he wanted to buy a bucket and petrol.  The store refused to sell these to him. Liu then took the water bucket in front of the petrol kiosk and filled it with petrol.
The kiosk manager and another staff member tried to stop Liu from doing so.
All this was recorded on the CCTV at the petrol station.

Petrol brought in a similar container as shown in picture.
Petrol brought in a similar container as shown in picture.
The manager said that there are customers who occasionally walk in to buy petrol and they would give these customers empty containers for this purpose. Therefore, out of good will, gave Liu an empty container to purchase petrol.
After Liu had paid for his petrol, he started to walk towards a store not too far away. It was then that Liu set himself on fire, and he ran but fell into a drain.
Liu was later taken to the hospital and was in critical condition. He had suffered more than 90 per cent burn to his body.
He died from his injuries on Sunday night.
Liu’s brother told the press that Liu was arrested last year for drug abuse and he had posted bail for Liu. But Liu did not turn up for the court hearing and could not be found.
Liu’s brother added that Liu had dabbled in various jobs, including designing work and selling mobile phones. However, he wasn’t very successful with these and had been depressed.
The Singapore consulate in Malaysia has been alerted and preparations are being made to repatriate his remains to Singapore.

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