From the middle of next month, visitors to REACH – the Gov’t feedback website – will have to register before they will be allowed to leave comments on the site.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced this new policy to the feedback website when he was speaking at the 90th anniversary of Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao on 22nd November 2013.

He said that the anonymity of the online space makes it easy for healthy debate and discussion to degenerate into abuse and hate-mongering.

“In Singapore, we see much constructive engagement online, but also no lack of trolling. We must fight back against such trolling, and provide a safe and responsible online space, which promotes constructive participation,”

Mr Lee cited the example of how TODAY newspaper’s website requires users to log in using their Facebook accounts before posting comments.

However it is noted that major newspaper agency, Straits Times does not practice this as it utilizes Disqus for the function of commenting, allowing for readers to comment anonymously, though their IP will be logged when they comment.

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