Wrong to name scholarships after politicians

Wrong to name scholarships after politicians

By Philip Ang

Channel News Asia’s article (27 July) “New role at Temasek “a good challenge”: Lim Boon Heng” diverted from Lim Boon Heng’ new role at Temasek to his past business-related achievements at NTUC. (link)

Fortunately, he did not claim he did anything for union members.

The article revealed an interesting piece of information – the Jurong Central and Jurong Spring Citizens’ Consultative Committees (CCCs) had set up a Lim Boon Heng Scholarship in 2012.

“Set up in 2012 by the Jurong Central and Jurong Spring Citizens’ Consultative Committees, it aims to recognise Mr Lim’s contributions to Jurong where he was Grassroots Adviser for 10 years.”

As written on the PA website,

“The Citizens’ Consultative Committees (CCCs) are at the apex of all grassroots organisations. A vital bridge between the people and the Government, the CCCs plan and lead major grassroots activities within the constituency, oversee local assistance programmes, and organise major fund-raising projects and national campaigns.”

And state that the primary function of CCCs is to support the People Association’s mission using government funds.

What is the PA’s mission? That is “To Build and to Bridge Communities in achieving One People, One Singapore”

CCCs should not have the right to use taxpayers’ money to name a scholarship after any politician.  If CCCs are allowed to “recognise” contributions by politicians by setting scholarships, then surely there are others who have contributed more.

After having received tens of millions from the government from 1980 to 2011 as an MP, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Minister and Senior Minister of State, Lim Boon Heng could jolly well afford to give back to society by not allowing CCCs to glorify him with more taxpayers’ funds.

Hopefully, CCCs are not thinking of setting up anymore scholarships named after politicians such as Lim Swee Say Scholarship, Tin Pei Ling Scholarship and etc


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