Declining pay as childcare teacher ages

Declining pay as childcare teacher ages

By Singapore Rat Race

I refer to the news article on MSF reviewing the pay of childcare teachers:

Minister Chan Chun Sing said: “We are looking at not just the entry pay but also the progression of the pay to make sure that we increase the number or percentage of people who take up the course, convert and take up the profession.”

Indeed. According to the latest MOM data, in 2011, the pay of childcare teachers does NOT increase with age and in fact, the older teacher earns less. The median monthly gross wage of a childcare teacher decreases from $1,989 in her 20s to $1,639 in her 50s.

Wages drop from $1,989 in 20s to $1,639 in 50s
You can see the chart for the above data by visiting the website and see the occupation “Pre-primary education teacher”. The table below the chart shows the sample size of each age group, which is substantial.
Hopefully Minister Chan will address this with more concrete recommendations to increase pay for childcare teachers.