$10m to help lower-income postman?

$10m to help lower-income postman?

By Leong Sze Hian

I refer to the article “SingPost to set up new $10m fund for lower-income employees” (Straits Time, Feb 28).

$10m fund to help lower-income staff?

It states that “In accordance with the Government’s movement towards a more inclusive society, SingPost officially kicked off a $10 million fund today (Feb 28) to benefit its lower-income staff.

About 3,400 of SingPost’s 4,700-odd employees will benefit from the fund, These are employees with monthly incomes ranging from $2,000 to $4,000. Depending on their income bracket, the fund aims to supplement each staff member with an additional $300 to $500 per annum.”

No employees earn less than $2,000?

I am somewhat puzzled by “About 3,400 of SingPost’s 4,700-odd employees will benefit from the fund, These are employees with monthly incomes ranging from $2,000 to $4,000″ – does this mean that there are no employees who earn less than $2,000?

Do all the postman who deliver the mail to our homes and offices earn at least $2,000?

How many postman are employees and contract workers?

Are postman who may be contract workers considered as employees?

How many postman are employees and how many are contract workers?

I have spoken to a few postman and they say they earn over a thousand dollars.

One postman family’s child’s questions?

In this connection, a posting on the Reach forum in May, 2012, said

“Hi Mr Tan!

Both my parents are employees of Singapore Post. They are one of the many neighborhood postman/postwoman who work tirelessly day in and day out, making sure letters are been delivered on time to the residents.

My mother is a postwoman for more then 10 years; my father more then 5 years. All these years, they do not have any CPF contributions, leave benefit, medical benefits or even basic insurance coverage. Their working hours are long. Usually they start work at 1pm, depending on what time the letters are send to their area, and depending on the amount of letters, they usually end work at around 8pm. I remembered alot of times, my parents came home after 8pm, feeling tired, but they have no complains. And this routine goes on and on for years.

There were times when my parents got injured while at work, but they cant claim from the company, just because they are part timers and they have no medical benefits. There were times when we wanted to bring them overseas for holidays, but company don’t allow because they do not have any leave benefits. At times, the company will give reasons like: “sorry, you can’t go on leave, because there are not enough people covering your area”. What is this? Does the company want the neighborhood postman/postwoman to work day in day out, giving up their time with their kids or even grandchildren? This is too much.

Having to work for such long hours, Monday to Friday, rain or shine, there’s no CPF contributions or even the basic benefits a worker should be entitled to, is this fair to them and all other neighborhood postman/postwoman working out there?

This matter have been brought up to Singapore Post for a long time, but all the replies they gave sounds like they are not going to do anything about it. Which is why, I decided to bring this matter to your attention on behalf of the postman/postwoman out there.

My questions are:

– Are neighborhood postman/postwoman entitled to CPF contribution given their long working hours?

– Are they not entitled to medical and annual leave benefits?

So Mr Tan, I hope you can look into this matter. And I hope to hear from you soon.


* The above was first posted as a comment on Mr Tan’s Facebook page. Mr Tan has replied he will follow up on it.”

Singpost’s reply

I understand that Singpost’s reply was as follows:-


Wage Credit Scheme?

Does it mean that the postman who are on contract and are not employees, may not benefit from the 40 per cent subsidy for wage increase in the next three years, under the Wage Credit Scheme?

When were contract rates last increased?

When was the last time that the postman contract rates were increased.

Do postman become contract workers?

Looking back in history, do postman who are employees become contract workers, and if so, how many have done so?

Please help

I would like to ask for the help of those who work as postman, or if you have a relative or friend who is a postman – please share with us the pay, working hours and work conditions of a postman. Please also share with us your life experience as a postman.