Ben Pwee: Vote with the national political agenda in mind

~By Benjamin Pwee~


We are happy to see Hougang residents having a chance to exercise their vote again, in the coming Hougang by-elections. This is testimony to elections being the constitutional right of every citizen of Singapore, for the common man to choose his own leader and parliamentary representative.

We wish all political parties contesting in the Hougang by-elections a fair, friendly and gentlemanly fight, and for all voices to be heard, regardless of skin and political colour.

We also encourage residents of Hougang to use this by-elections as an indication of the people's choice, one year after GE2011. The past year has seen major issues raised in GE2011 becoming more acute, with more voices being expressed across the spectrum in civil community. These include national transportation, elder and medical care, inflation and rising costs, influx of foreigners, housing needs, and others.

We ask Hougang voters to vote with the national political agenda in mind, and not see this as just a local parochial by-election. Represent the rest of Singapore with your vote, to send a strong signal to the ruling Party that business cannot be as usual anymore.

We wish all candidates the very best, and may the best Party win.

The Independents

– Benjamin Pwee

– Wilfred Leung

– David Tan

– Mohamad Hamim Bin Aliyas

– Juliana Binte Juwahir

– Ting Tze Jiang


Photo Credit: Shawn Byron Danker

This article is published by The Online Citizen, 20 Maxwell Road, #09-17 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113.

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