Dirty Little Tactics by SMRT

~ By Ethan Wong ~

The following is Ethan's letter to Minister of Transport Lui Tuck Yew


SMRT Dirty Little TricksI am writing to you with regards to the Circle Line breakdown yesterday.

My brother was at Telok Blangah MRT when the breakdown occurs. As everyone knows, it costs 78 cents minimum to enter and exit the same station. $1 if you are paying by cash. When the staff ask everyone to leave the station, my brother was given 70 cents refund. He tried to ask them how come it is 8 cents lesser, they told him to write to SMRT. He was then forced to sign an acknowlegement form. When he refused, the staff told him he can't get a single cent.

We tried calling SMRT feedback hotline and my brother was asked to go down to claim his 8 cents back. I am thinking, waste an hour or two, a few dollars on transport fare, just to claim 8 cents. Seriously, what is SMRT thinking? Singaporeans aren't daft to know that this must be the worst deal of the century.

It is not about the 8 cents really. Trust me.

According to the news, there are 18,000 commuters affected by the breakdown. That amounts to $1,440. Is that a reason for the frequent breakdown? To be precise, 3 breakdowns in 3 consecutive days. Now, train operators have an incentive to "break down" because the more commuters it affects, the more revenue they will have.

By the way, isn't that cheating?


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