Rupert Murdoch in his extended testimony to the British Members of Parliament (MP), that he was surprised to learn that the company had been paying the legal fees of Glenn Mulcaire (The News of the World’s phone hacking specialist), and Clive Goodman (the tabloid’s royal reporter), said that Singapore’s model of paying politicians millions of dollars had created a cleaner and more transparent government and one that Britain should emulate.

Murdoch said, “I think there is an answer to it, and we ought to look at them as open and clear as a society in the world, which is Singapore — where every minister gets at least a million dollars a year and the prime minister a lot more and there is no temptation and it is as clean a society as you find anywhere.”

Murdoch’s comment brought about plenty of mumbling from those present, including someone who quipped: “good luck in selling that to anyone here,” accompanied by lots of laughter.

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泰国今年1月2日起,开始禁止大型零售商向顾客派发塑料袋,但没有塑料袋的他们又该怎么办呢?虽然没有了购物袋,但他們似乎不沮丧,甚至开始慢慢地习惯了… 自禁止塑料袋那天起,各大泰国网友纷纷将自己的购物照上传到网络上,引起网民的关注。 除了善用行李箱,他们使用推车、水桶、大米袋等物当作塑料袋使用,在拍照上传到网络上,让人啼笑皆非。 泰国今年起禁止大型零售商向顾客派发塑料袋,最终目标是在2021年全面禁止使用塑料袋。 泰国政府去年11月已发布限塑令,从2020年1月1日起,全泰所有大型商场、超市及便利店停止为顾客提供塑胶袋。 泰国自然资源与环境部长沃拉戊说,希望能在2021年达到“全泰无塑”的目标,因此在2020年到来前,环境与自然资源部已向43家大型商场及超市便利店协商,不再向顾客出售或赠送塑料袋。 当局去年展开首阶段计划,鼓励消费者自发停止向商家索取塑料袋后,当地去年使用的塑料袋减少了20亿个。 他说,接下来最困难的工作,是减少菜市场和农村地区的塑料袋使用率。这些地方的塑料袋使用率,占了全国的40%。

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