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Rupert Murdoch: UK Should Emulate Singapore’s Million Dollar Ministerial Wages



Rupert Murdoch in his extended testimony to the British Members of Parliament (MP), that he was surprised to learn that the company had been paying the legal fees of Glenn Mulcaire (The News of the World’s phone hacking specialist), and Clive Goodman (the tabloid’s royal reporter), said that Singapore’s model of paying politicians millions of dollars had created a cleaner and more transparent government and one that Britain should emulate.

Murdoch said, “I think there is an answer to it, and we ought to look at them as open and clear as a society in the world, which is Singapore — where every minister gets at least a million dollars a year and the prime minister a lot more and there is no temptation and it is as clean a society as you find anywhere.”

Murdoch’s comment brought about plenty of mumbling from those present, including someone who quipped: “good luck in selling that to anyone here,” accompanied by lots of laughter.

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