… you can donate to the following places-

Singapore Red Cross

The SRC (Singapore Red Cross) is accepting monetary donations to help survivors of the Japanese Disaster. Titled the “Japan Disaster 2011”, the appeal will start from 13 March and end 13 April 2011. All donations made to this appeal will be earmarked specifically for the relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts for survivors of this disaster. Donors who wish to make a donation may do so through the following:

a) Cash Donations

Donors may make a cash donation at the Singapore Red Cross at 15 Penang Lane (5 mins from Dhoby Gaut MRT Station) during these opening hours:
• Mondays to Fridays 9.30am to 9pm
• Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 9.30am to 6pm

b) Cheque Donations
Cheque donations to be made payable to the “Singapore Red Cross Society” and sent to the Singapore Red Cross at 15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486.. Please indicate at the back of the cheque the following:
• Japan Disaster 2011
• Name of donor/organization
• Contact numbers
• Address

c) SMS Mobile Giving
Donors may make their donation via sms to 75772. For every sms, S$50 will be donated to the “Japan Disaster 2011” appeal fund.

d) OCBC donation channels
Donors may make their donations via OCBC multiple banking channels. These include the ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Phone Banking, PLUS! Internet Banking and PLUS! Phone Banking. These channels will be available to all customers from Tuesday, 15 March, 9am onwards to 13 April 2011. Please refer to Annex 1 for the user guide.

e) DBS donation channels
Donors may make their donations via DBS’s ATM and Internet Banking from Tuesday, 15 March from 10pm onwards. Please refer to their website at www.dbs.com.sg for information.

f) UOB donation channels
Donors may also make their donations via UOB’s Personal Internet Banking with effect from Wednesday, 16 March. For details on how to donate, please refer to their website at www.uob.com.sg.

The Singapore Red Cross is also working with several banks to make available more donation channels for donors. For a list of updated donation channels, the information will be made available on our website at www.redcross.org.sg

The Singapore Red Cross calls upon members of the public and corporate companies to respond to this nationwide appeal. Due to logistical considerations, the SRC will not be collecting donations-in-kind. Donors are also advised that there will not be any tax deductions for donations made to this appeal.

To find out more click here.


Mercy Relief

Mercy Relief (MR) stands ready to deploy assistance to Japan following the devastating earthquake and resulting tsunami. MR will accept donations from the public to procure relief supplies. Monitoring of the ground conditions will continue to further ascertain the extent of the damage and nature of support required by the local authorities and affected communities.

Fundraising efforts:

MR has received its fundraising permit from the Commissioner of Charities to accept donations from the public through the following modes:

Crossed to ‘Mercy Relief Limited’, indicating ‘Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief’ on the reverse, and send to 160 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-1568, Singapore 310160

Present personally at 160 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh #01-1568, Singapore 310160

Transfer donations directly to Mercy Relief’s DBS Current Account 054-900493-6

To donate online






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澄清与丈夫未参与有关项目 杨莉明发律师信要求指控者撤回言论

人力部长杨莉明,今日透过律师信,要求社运份子范国瀚以及名为Donald Liew的人士,撤回有关指责她与丈夫涉嫌从设立社区护理设施牟利的言论。 她在律师信的声明中澄清,有关项目是由盛裕控股集团,与卫生部和国家发展部直接洽谈。 “我与我的丈夫都未曾参与有关项目的授权或金钱交易”。因此,她反驳早前有关牟取暴利和贪污的指控是不实的。 另一方面,卫生部和国家发展部也发表联合文告,驳斥有关指控。 文告称,淡马锡接下任务时同意,该集团和相关公司,将以成本价或低于成本的价格完成任务,不会从中牟利。而淡马锡在确认了博览中心这个地点后,就要求盛裕集团协助,设立社区护理设施。 至于杨莉明表示,若对方撤回指控并道歉,自己无意继续追究此事或要求赔偿。与此同时,也要求上述二人捐赠1000元,给客工援助基金。


人权律师、前政治拘留者张素兰,今早在功能八号氏族会脸书专页,揶揄总理新闻秘书周日休假也要加班工作。 事缘本周日(本月1日),李总理新闻秘书张俪霖,代表总理向本社总编许渊臣发函,指本社英语站在8月15日刊登的一篇评论,复述针对总理的不实指控,要求本社撤下并在三日内道歉。 但张素兰指出,虽然秘书加班,用着公家的笔墨,撰写了长达三页含有威胁意味信函,但他加班并不是在为国家公务工作。 “总理因为有关评论被指复述此前他弟妹作出的指控,感到不满。在信中,总理称选择不起诉弟妹,不应被诠释为容许他人复述和散播这些指控。” 但张素兰也指出,随着总理要求本社总编许渊臣移除有关文章、并作出道歉,这同样也可视作总理可能已改变主意,不再避忌是否起诉弟妹李显扬和李玮玲医生。 她认为,如果诉诸诉讼,总理也要准备应对,许渊臣可邀请其弟妹作为证人,甚至请他们成为第二或第三答辩人。 “作为寻常百姓,我们并不知道真相。总理称在2017年的国会辩论中已给与充分解释,但仍是片面的”,张素兰也指出,她认为当时为了私人纠纷,特别召开听证会,乃是浪费公帑且滥用议会程序。更何况当时总理弟妹也没有受邀对此事进行辩解。 “或许是时候透过法庭来解决此事。” 除了张素兰外,昨日资深媒体人兼《海峡时报》前副总编辑默乐(Bertha Henson)则质问,总理选择不起诉弟妹,但是不容许他人复述、散播他们的指控,难道意味着总理的弟妹可以畅所欲言,但是其他人如果重复他们的言论就不可以?