Language scuffles

From Yawning Bread


Thanks to a reader, I nearly suffered whiplash as I read this story from Channel NewsAsia (CNA) that he/she attached in an email:

24 August 2010, 1716 hours
Channel NewsAsia

S’pore named ‘Top International Meetings City’ for 3rd consecutive year

By Mustafa Shafawi

SINGAPORE : Singapore has clinched the title of ‘Top International Meetings City’ for the third consecutive year, affirming its standing as a leading business events destination, ahead of some 1,700 cities.

The latest 2009 global rankings published by the Union of International Associations (UIA) also showed that Singapore climbed a spot, from third position, to be placed as the second ‘Top International Meetings Country’ behind the United States.

And for the 26th consecutive year, Singapore remains both the top city and country to hold meetings in Asia.

Secretary General of the UIA, Jacques de Mevius, said Singapore is an increasingly strong market leader in international associations meetings.


At first sight, the headline and first sentence (we’re the top city) conflicts with the second sentence (we’re not top, we’re only second), but a closer look will reveal that the first sentence was referring to cities and the second to countries.  The headline and first sentence also appears to contradict the third sentence (3rd consecutive year versus 26th consecutive year), but actually does not, if you read carefully.

Read Alex’s article here.

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