From the Daily Mail:

We’ve all been there – deeply embarrassed after our mobile phone has gone off unexpectedly during meetings, conferences, films, and so on.

So this poor journalist’s mortification is understandable – though she gets no extra sympathy for her choice of ringtone.

Barack Obama was giving a speech yesterday when – to a reporter’s horror – her mobile phone went off, interrupting the U.S. President.

To make matters worse, for some unimaginable reason the unidentified journalist had picked the sound of a duck quacking for her ringtone.

‘Whose – whose duck is back there?’ asked a confused Mr Obama, who had just been delivering a solemn address on homosexuality and civil rights.

‘It’s a duck,’ First Lady Michelle Obama confirmed, breaking down into giggles.

‘Where do you guys get these ringtones, by the way?’ the president asked to laughter. ‘I’m just curious.’

The President and the First Lady were hosting a reception for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Month in the East Room of the White House

And, as the quacking – and the laughter – fell silent, Mr Obama launched straight back in to his speech on fairness and equality.

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香港连日发生抗议示威活动,香港科技大学领导力和公共政策学高级讲师刘浩典教授 周三(12日)在脸书上措辞强烈,发文驳斥“外国人或外国势力挑拨反送中示威者”的论述。 文中,刘教授表示,若示威者没有坚定的信念,不会有人想要在如此不舒服的天气下上街示威。他直指,香港人并不是单纯或愚蠢的,他们不会仅仅因为美国或其他外国势力的鼓动,就盲目展开示威行动。 他也说,有些人会认为美国或西方势力一直在灌输香港他们所相信自由派的意识形态、媒介与文化环境,导致港民本能地怀疑中国,无法对中国产生信心,导致香港发动激烈的抗争。 但他认为,正是因为如此,更显得中国或中国政府的政治立场无法吸引香港人。他说,“比起中国政府所坚持的政治立场,为何在一个以华人社会为主的国家更能接受美国(或一般西方国家)的政治文化与立场?这已显示他们的立场并不足以吸引港人的认同。” 刘教授提及,“显然,问题并不在想象中的“外国势力”,而是在你(指中国)和你们的独裁制度,会增加港人恐惧,忧心这样的制度会被强加在自己身上。” 他最后也斥责,中方称示威行动全因港人受到西方政治宣传影响的想法,是属于偏激掌权者的阴谋论。 “而这样也显示民族主义强烈的中国方,其根深蒂固的不安全感,以及遇到问题时,本能倾向“只要不谨遵中国方式,都倾向责怪西方”,寻找代罪羔羊或妖魔化西方势力。” 原文如下: