In unity for her liberty

Message from Maruah, which is organising a peace vigil for Aung San Syu Kyi on May 31.

This is a peaceful rally to ask as many people in Singapore to give two hours of their time to show support to a courageous women – Daw Aung Sung Suu Kyi – who has been placed under house arrest for almost two decades and now is held in a formidable prison.

We, as organizers, will be upset for you if we, had in any way, not advised supporters to mind themselves so that we all stay within the law while asking that Daw Aung Sung Suu Kyi be released.

So please do not be alarmed by this advisory or be put off by it. Stay true to your heart’s desire of wanting to show support, please come and, if you are a foreigner especially, be just mindful of supporting without breaking any local laws.

Theme: YELLOW! Vigil with speeches and light candles as a symbol of asking for her to be set free.

*Come dressed in yellow*

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