Proudly Presented by 2902 Gallery

You are cordially invited to the opening of

Telegeneric Realities 

by Kenneth Feinstein

Opening Reception: 2nd April, Thur, 7pm

This exhibition runs till 16th April

Telegenric Realities is an exhibition of photo-collages investigating how news images are created and used. In this series, images from various news organizations are culled and collaged together. By doing this, both the conventions of the compositions of the images and the underlying messages are brought out.

Kenneth Feinstein is an American raised Swiss educated artist and theorist. His work has been shown in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. He is currently teaching media art at the School of Art, Design & Media in the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. This exhibition is his first solo show in Singapore.

For RSVP to Opening Reception, pls email Gisela Sim at [email protected]

For more information, please email [email protected] or call 6339 8655/6339



Gallery Opening Hours:

Tuesday – Saturday: 11am – 8pm

Sunday: 1pm -6pm

Closed on Monday


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