Must read – TOC readers’ recommendations

Must read – TOC readers’ recommendations

Here are three interesting articles recommended to us by our readers. If you come across reports or articles which you feel will be good to share with our readers, do email us at: [email protected]

“We need slaves to build monuments” – The Guardian

It is already home to the world’s glitziest buildings, man-made islands and mega-malls – now Dubai plans to build the tallest tower. But behind the dizzying construction boom is an army of migrant labourers lured into a life of squalor and exploitation. 

“What life? We have no life here. We are prisoners. We wake up at five, arrive to work at seven and are back at the camp at nine in the evening, day in and day out.”

Why do we need economic growth? – BBC

With recession looming and unemployment rising, politicians and economists are trying to find ways of stimulating economic growth. But is growth a good thing? Does it have harmful consequences? Could we live without it, asks John Sloman.

India’s surrogate mother industry – BBC

The shortage of Asian eggs, sperm and surrogates is driving couples like Bobby and Nikki Bains to travel to India for help. It’s a trend consultant obstetrician Massoud Afnan is witnessing.



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