Progressive Voice

Over 300 Myanmar civil society organizations condemn informal ASEAN talks hosted by Thailand’s caretaker government

A coalition of 316 Myanmar civil society organizations, including 235 who have chosen to remain unnamed, issued a vehement denunciation…

Myanmar military junta’s atrocities escalate despite UNSC resolution, urgent action needed, says Progressive Voice

Progressive Voice, a Myanmar-based civil society organization, has released a new Factsheet highlighting the escalating atrocity crimes committed by the…

ASEAN’s humanitarian aid to Myanmar must not legitimise military junta: Progressive Voice & FORUM-ASIA

The Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the rest of the international community must provide humanitarian assistance through…

ASEAN: Regional process should be aligned with Myanmar peoples’ aspiration

ASEAN is scheduled to hold a special ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting (AFMM) on Tuesday (2 Mar) to discuss the deteriorating…

Open letter to UN Security Council to immediately intervene to protect people of Myanmar

Dear President and Members of the Security Council, We, the undersigned protesters around Myanmar and CSOs call on the UN…

Progressive Voice Myanmar: Newly elected NLD-Led government must work to end Burmanization

With the National League for Democracy (NLD) winning a clear mandate from the voters, the next five years is an…