Malaysian PM orders high alert for extremist groups creating racial and religious tensions

Malaysian PM orders high alert for extremist groups creating racial and religious tensions

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has ordered security forces to be on high alert for extremists who may try to create racial and religious tensions in the country.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Anwar emphasized that the government will not tolerate any actions that sow racial or religious hatred.

“The Cabinet and I will ensure that peace and harmony among all races is defended,” he said. “We will not tolerate any action that will disrupt the peace of the country.”

Anwar reaffirmed that the government is committed to upholding the freedom of religion as guaranteed under the Federal Constitution.

He stated that the government, with its clear direction towards a Madani society, will uphold the values, morals, and spirit of unity among the various races and religions.

“Any issues that arise must be solved amicably to prevent enmity, misconception or prejudice,” he added.

In response to recent claims that the government should not be involved in organizing visits to mosques, Anwar said that disagreements should be settled through dialogue.

“If there are some issues that arise, they should be resolved well so that there is no enmity or misunderstanding or suspicion,” he said.

“These include the issue raised recently about how visits to mosques should not involve the government at all, but if there are any rules that were violated or if anything causes some degree of racial sensitivity, it should be resolved through negotiation.”

Anwar emphasized that all religions have the right to exist in the country. “Islam is the religion of the federation… (and it is also) guaranteed in the federal constitution from the beginning, the freedom and right of all other religions,” he said.


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