Boy receives heartfelt note from Good Samaritan who gave his bike “new life” after fixing it

Boy receives heartfelt note from Good Samaritan who gave his bike “new life” after fixing it

One fine day, a boy rode to Alexandra Canal Linear Park on his bicycle which has a broken handle. When he got there, he parked his bike next to a monolith sign before heading off somewhere.

When he returned to his bike some time later, he was surprised to see a note attached on his bike. What was more surprising to him was that the handle of his bike was not broken.

As in turns out, a Good Samaritan had noticed the broken handle on the boy’s bike, and decided to “give it a new life again” by fixing it.

The kind soul brought the bike for a quick repair, and brought it back to where it was placed.

The Good Samaritan even left behind a heartfelt note, saying:

“I found this bike here with a broken handle. I have fixed it to give it a new life again. If you are the boy who broke your bike, please enjoy your ride again. Be safe!”

A series of photos shared on Facebook page on Monday (18 Jan) shows the newly furnished bike along with the handwritten note left behind by the Good Samaritan.

With so much happening in Singapore and other parts of the world right now, it can be somewhat difficult to think of this world as anything but a miserable place.

However, every now and then, something magical like this happens that makes us realise that there is still hope and affection in humanity after all.

It is not the biggest gesture in the world, but it is a heartwarming and beautiful moment that shows what a huge difference a small random act of kindness can make.

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