Kallang Community Club apologises over “uncommon word” errors in its Chinese notice of TraceTogether Token

Kallang Community Club apologises over “uncommon word” errors in its Chinese notice of TraceTogether Token

The Kallang Community Club (CC) has apologised after a software upgrading resulted in 27 errors–all of which are uncommon and rarely used Chinese characters–in the Chinese version of its notice on the current unavailability of TraceTogether Tokens.

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the notice from Kallang CC–which also carried English, Malay and Tamil versions-–was aimed at informing the residents that the collection of TraceTogether Token is currently unavailable and will resume in December.

Photos of the notice have been circulating on social media recently.

Netizens pointed out that there are many “uncommon words” in the Chinese version, which they said has made understanding the notice a challenging task.

It was also revealed that a Shin Min Daily News reporter discovered 27 such errors in the Chinese notice of fewer than 200 words.

For example, the phrase “community club” — supposed to be written as “俱乐部” in Chinese — was changed to “俱乐愯(sǒng)”. “” means frightened.

“TraceTogether” is supposed to be written as “合力追踪”, but it was changed to “合力忼(kāng)踪”.

In response to Lianhe Zaobao’s queries, Kallang CC explained that there was a software upgrade a few days ago.

The system, however, was inconsistent during the printing process, which resulted in the errors.

Noting it was the first time they had encountered such an issue, they said that they had checked the text on the notice before printing, but they did not detect the errors after printing.

They apologised to the residents over the errors in Chinese notice, adding that they will be more prudent and careful in the future.

The Kallang CC has also replaced all the incorrect notices.

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