Home-based baker found her cake for customer destroyed as she left it outside her gate for self-collection

Home-based baker found her cake for customer destroyed as she left it outside her gate for self-collection

A couple of days ago, the owner of home-based food business, Mary’s Delights, shared an unfortunate event that she encountered.

Her experience was shared onto Mary’s Delights’ Facebook page, recalling how contactless self-collection had gone wrong during the pandemic when shoppers and sellers would try to cut down on direct contact.

In the Facebook post that was uploaded on 25 September, the upset baker described that one of her customers ordered tiramisu from her and self-collection was set at 3 pm.

However, the customer had to delay the self-collection and the baker was supposed to head out to pick up her child at 4 pm. The baker then hung the bagged item at her gate and left her home.

At 4:50 pm, the baker noticed that the cake had already been collected from her gate, but she received a text message from her customer informing her that she was on the way to collect the cake.

The business owner immediately realised that the cake was taken by someone else, so she “looked around frantically” for the item. Alas, she found the item opened, eaten and destroyed at the stairways of her building.

“At 4.50pm i noticed it has already been collected. Until i received a msg tht my customer is just otw to collect it. Then I realised it was not her who has took it. I look ard frantically for the item. And found it at my stairways.. eaten and thrown.”

In the photos that she uploaded, the cups of tiramisu were opened and eaten, and the aftermath left at the balcony of the stairways.

Expressing that she felt sorry for her customer who ordered the tiramisu for an event, the baker clarified that she was not upset due to the fact that she had to refund to the customer.

She further announced that self-collection had to be made at the allocated time. If customers could not make it on time, she would have to reschedule until both parties are available.

Netizens were angered upon seeing her experience, many advised her to set up a camera at her gate to avoid similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Even though the baker has plans to install a camera for surveillance purposes, she expressed that she’s deterred from leaving her items at her gate from now on.



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