Co-operative A Good Space kickstarts ‘SG55 Questions’ initiative to encourage citizens to ‘reimagine’ S’pore

Co-operative A Good Space kickstarts ‘SG55 Questions’ initiative to encourage citizens to ‘reimagine’ S’pore

In conjunction with Singapore’s 55th birthday, co-operative A Good Space is calling on citizens to “re-imagine how our country could be different” by submitting questions and answering to other people’s questions on issues that matter.

“What are YOU concerned about? The environment? Gender equality? Racism? Mental health? Disability? Class issues? What, to you, is an important question to ask?” said A Good Space.

The co-operative, in a Facebook post last Friday, hopes to “open up new possibilities for what being Singaporean means and what Singapore can be” through its SG55 Questions movement.

As at 10.40 am today, some of the questions seen on the board — accessible here — include those on improving the lives of the elderly, standardising Singapore’s education system, being openly LGBT in Singapore without fear of discrimination and cultivating “more avenues for sustainable community care” with regards to mental health.

Source: A Good Space

Those wishing to participate in the SG55 Questions initiative should submit their questions by Friday (15 August). More information on the movement is available here.

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