Simon Lim: Free passports for babies born after 1 January 2020 will not benefit Singaporeans in large numbers

Simon Lim: Free passports for babies born after 1 January 2020 will not benefit Singaporeans in large numbers

by Simon Lim
Free passports for babies born after 1 January 2020. Wow!
Such a gesture will not benefit Singaporeans in large numbers for the simple reason that most Singaporean babies do not travel during their initial few years. Perhaps, the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) is able to provide the numbers to show how many Singaporean parents’ and their babies travelled in their first 3 years of birth between 2016 to 2018 vs new citizens and their babies. I bet the situation is totally different between new citizens and Singaporeans.

New citizens and their newborns are more likely to travel back to their country of origin to visit their grandfathers and grandmothers and if I were a young new citizen parent, I totally understand the gesture of the People’s Action Party (PAP)’s government and its consideration. In order to return the goodwill and gratitude, I will know where to put my cross on my ballot paper in a general election. Any street-smart persons must know that and even the blinds can see through this game. I repeat. Any street-smart persons must know that and even the blinds can see through this game.
Those too well-paid PAP ministars, instead of thinking hard and thinking through ways to help our citizens in real ways whether it is employment issues or retirement inadequacies or those very expensively priced HDB flats etc, are wasting their time thinking up ways to butter up and pacify new citizens in order to win their electoral votes. It is so very unfortunate indeed.
Dear fellow citizens, if you are still dreaming, sleeping or blindly sucking, please wake-up quickly because there is no more time to waste, otherwise we will all be collateral damages compliment from you. Think!
This was first published on Simon Lim’s Facebook page and reproduced with permission.
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