Lim Tean and fellow party members turn up at Choa Chu Kang GRC and states intention to contest against Gan Kim Yong’s team

Lim Tean and fellow party members turn up at Choa Chu Kang GRC and states intention to contest against Gan Kim Yong’s team

Lim Tean, lawyer and leader of opposition party, People’s Voice Party visited the Teck Whye Market this morning (Saturday) and said that the party intends to field a team at the Choa Chu Kang GRC.

Lim had earlier announced the approval of his political party in Oct last year.

The Choa Chu Kang Group-Representative Constituency is currently held by the People’s Action Party and helmed by the Minister of Health Gan Kim Yong. The former party which contested against Gan’s team in the General Election 2015 was People’s Power Party led by Goh Meng Seng and prior to that, National Solidarity Party led by Sebastian Teo in GE2011.

In response to TOC’s query on the party’s visit to CCK, Lim Tean said,

We have been overwhelmed by the fantastic reception we have received here in Teck Whye, which is part of Chua Chu Kang GRC . We will continue to engage with the residents of Chua Chu Kang and to visit them in their homes, and we look forward to sending a team to contest in Chua Chu Kang GRC in the coming GE.

While the upcoming GE must be held by 15 January 2021 but with the announcement on Friday that the Registering Officer is preparing the Registars of Electors, it is likely that election will be held within the year. Similarities can be seen in the PAP’s move to introduce goodies such as the Merdeka generation package to be handed out this year and the Bicentennial Celebration, just like in GE2015 where the Pioneer generation package was handed out along with the SG50 celebration where it won 69.9% of the votes.

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