What happened to the values which our Founding Fathers built this nation?

What happened to the values which our Founding Fathers built this nation?

by Willy Sum

Dear Fellow Singaporeans,
It has been a turbulent period for both TOC’s Mr Terry Xu and myself, since our undue “arrests” a fortnight ago.

I was served with a police letter dated the day itself, with constant threats of Warrants of Arrest from the Magistrate should I not turn up for questioning on their stipulated day and time. Even the worst suspects have between 2 to 3 weeks to show up for questioning! My personal emails and messages to irrelevant parties like Mr Pritam Singh were also accessed during the “criminal defamation” probe. I feel violated, totally devoid of human dignity and handled like an enemy of the State!

We have been rounded up by top CID officers, possibly under directions from the Commissioner himself! We had our IT equipment seized, the items that have very much been the tools of our fight against modern day oppression and one that brought to light countless discrepancies for public attention and discourse. Otherwise, these contentious issues would go unchallenged and not have brought improvements to the lives of our people.

What still motivates me to write on social justice issues is the undeniable fact that many pressing matters can be traced to our oligarchy system of governance, which provides little to no checks of an absolute power and State Institutions/Functions have been reduced to a sham! Statements by the establishment to voice out on occurrences we deem suspicious, have been met with threats or the brute force of government agencies.

I am not undermining confidence in the government but that trust has already been eroded since the amendment to the Constitution for a Reserved Presidency, non-committal of the GST hike despite assurances there is no need to have one prior to the 2015 General Election, plummeting housing prices for HDBs older than 40 years-old with no solution at sight and not forgetting, the 38 Oxley Rd saga with its many deafening allegations.

Are these the values upon which our Founding Fathers built this nation? If not, then what happened to them, especially so soon after the demise of Mr Lee Kuan Yew? Even as the dust has not yet settled on our case, I urge you to take time to ponder on what kind of society you want for yourselves and if the present system is tenable for your dreams and ideals?

We, the bloggers and civil activists have done all we can in good conscience and often at our own expense and safety, to make heard your voices and fight for what you deserve! We have now been bogged down with lawsuits and criminal charges one after another by the State. We hope you will continue this strive for a better society and appoint from among yourselves, courageous people to do so as we may not be able to hold on much longer as we wish we could.

#In Good Conscience

p.s. Willy Sum is a pen name and not representative of anyone.

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