SDP: Wild insinuations about the SDP to distract Singaporeans from the real issues

SDP: Wild insinuations about the SDP to distract Singaporeans from the real issues

Below is a statement by the Singapore Democratic Party in response to allegations made by People’s Action Party Seah Kian Peng in his Facebook post on Saturday. In his post, Seah made claims against historian Thum Ping Tjin and associated SDP together with others, with insinuations that the named are siding with Malaysia.

In a Facebook post, PAP MP Seah Kian Peng talked about the recent meeting some Singaporeans had with Malaysian PM Mahathir.

In his post, Mr Seah cited comments made by Dr Thum Ping Tjin and Ms Teo Soh Lung, including the duo’s congratulations to Malaysia on its national day.

He then added: “Really? This is what PJ Thum and Teo Soh Lung and the SDP believe in their heart of hearts?”

Dr Thum and Ms Teo are not members of the SDP thus do not speak for the party or represent us in any way. We only learned about the meeting with Dr Mahathir through reports in the media.

It is, therefore, bewildering that Mr Seah would drag the SDP into the issue. One can only conclude that the PAP MP is being cheeky

Why did Mr Seah resort to such mischief? The answer seems plain. Of late, his party and its leadership have come under withering criticism from Singaporeans over issues such as ministers’ salaries, the HDB 99-year lease, and the rising cost of living.

The SDP has been at the forefront of speaking up on these matters including organising a public forum on 8 Sept to discuss these issues with our fellow citizens.

In an attempt to distract the people’s attention from our message, Mr Seah resorts to making wild insinuations about the SDP.

We have this message for Mr Seah and his party: Such a clumsy stunt to distract Singaporeans from the real issues is not going to work. The people see through the PAP’s silly antics.Mr Seah’s post only confirms the people’s suspicion that the PAP is desperate, out of ideas and frantically trying to distract the public from the problems they are facing.

The SDP will stay focused on our work which is to continue speaking up for our fellow Singaporeans, draw up alternative solutions and work for a better Singapore.

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