Singapore trade expo to showcase innovative technological solutions by industrial automation giants

Singapore trade expo to showcase innovative technological solutions by industrial automation giants

The inaugural Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific (ITAP), a trade fair that will be jointly organised by Singapore’s SingEx Exhibitions Pte Ltd and Germany’s Deutsche Messe AG, will be held at Singapore Expo from 16 to 18 Oct this year.

An estimated 10,000 attendees from over 30 countries will participate in the event throughout the three days.

Singapore was chosen as the destination for the trade fair, as the Republic is renowned for being Asia-Pacific’s manufacturing hub.

ITAP aims to prepare the region for a “fourth Industrial Revolution” by promoting seamless integration between innovative technologies and enterprise and economic systems, according to CEO of SingEx Holdings Pte Ltd Mr Aloysius Arlando.

ITAP will be officiated by Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

The opening plenary will feature an ASEAN Ministerial-level panel, where regional macroeconomic perspectives, schemes and frameworks for the “Industry 4.0” initiatives will be tabled.

The trade fair will showcase technological solutions by more than 200 key players in the global industrial automation sector, as well as startups, all of which are represented by over 10 countries, among which include, but are not limited to, corporations such as Accenture, Microsoft, IBM Singapore, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia Pte Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd, Siemens, and ST Engineering.

As an example, ST Engineering’s family of autonomous vehicles (STROBO), which incorporates LiDAR SLAM technology to accurately pick and place pallets through advanced pallet detection and recognition capabilities, will be introduced at ITAP. The company will also launch their latest model of TUG, a leading autonomous mobile robot for material transportation and delivery, at the event.

“Getting Real with the Business of Industry 4.0” will be the theme around which an ITAP conference will be centered.

The conference will feature “over 100 trailblazers from 15 economies”, of which more than half of its percentage includes regional insiders, including luminaries such as Chairman of Innovate UK Mr Phil Smith, whose keynote “Drawing On Innovation’s Dividend – The Journey to Renewing Industry’s Promise” is based on the UK’s initiatives for spurring industrial transformation, and Procter & Gamble’s Vice President for Global Consumer Product Supply (APAC) Mr Samuel Garcia, who will be offering his insights on the notable changes that the fourth Industrial Revolution has brought to the trade sector in multiple areas, ranging from the manufacturing process to its impact on supply chain.

The event’s unique “Learning Journey” approach is designed to help companies and governments in Asia-Pacific begin and sustainably plan and execute frameworks and solutions in line with each country’s specific needs, as every nation’s pace of development and transformation may differ from one to another.

Trailblazers and innovators will be given the opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge through presentations at the conference and sandboxes, as well as to offer their viewpoints on more advanced topics.

Technical tours to innovation centres in Singapore will also be offered to attendees and conference delegates as a way of granting them the opportunity to have an immediate experience of innovative processes in practice.

ITAP will be run in partnership with the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, and is supported by various trade unions in the Asia-Pacific region, including, but not limited to, Singapore’s very own NTUC, as well as the Association of Electronic Industry Singapore (AEIS), the Singapore Electrical Trade Association (SETA), and the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

For more information, please visit ITAP’s website.

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