Train delay along NEL on Tuesday morning

Train delay along NEL on Tuesday morning

There was a train disruption along the North East Line this morning (27 Feb), without official announcement from the SBS Transit.

At 8:52am YuSin posted a photo on Twitter, showing commuter crowd at Sengkang MRT station platform, going towards Harbour Front:

SBS Transit has informed on its Facebook that there will be a maintenance work on Punggol LRT system on the coming Sunday (4 March), but there was no indication about this morning disruption on NEL:

SBS Transit Ltd 15:43:

We will be conducting maintenance work on the Punggol LRT system this Sunday, 4 March 2018. ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

Train service will be available as usual at all stations, but only in one direction. Service in the opposite direction will start at 7am.

Marcus Xiao also complained on the train delay on TATA SMRT Facebook:

Marcus Xiao 9 hrs:
NEL faulty

Every station stop 2 to 3 mins

So suay.. purposely early for work, again kena sabo by transport

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