Enhancements to SGSecure app for better emergency preparedness

Enhancements to SGSecure app for better emergency preparedness

The Government has announced the enhancements to the SGSecure app as part of the Emergency Preparedness (EP) Day and SGSecure outreach, held at Teck Ghee constituency on Sunday morning (19 March).
Guest of Honour Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong encouraged the download of the SGSecure app as being one practical way for residents to be prepared in the event of a crisis.
The SGSecure App is a one-stop portal for the public to download useful counter-terrorism information and receive alerts in the event of major emergencies in Singapore, and it has been enhanced with two new features:

  1. Subscribers can now configure the app to receive customised alerts on emergency incidents by keying in postal codes of specific places, such as homes, schools and offices. The SGSecure app will then notify users of emergency incidents near their chosen locations.
  2. Subscribers of the app will receive news alerts from Channel NewsAsia on terrorist attacks and related incidents in regions around the world.

Users can download the SGSecure app for free from Google Play and iOS App Store. The enhanced features will be reflected once existing SGSecure app users update their mobile apps.

photo: gov.sg
photo: gov.sg
PM Lee also noted at the event, the need for psychological first aid. He announced the formation of ‘Human Emergency Assistance and Response Team’ (HEART), which consists of psychologists and counsellors from the Home Team, the Ministry of Social and Family Development, and the Institute of Mental Health.
HEART teams will be deployed to equip grassroots leaders and volunteers with skills and knowledge to aid residents in overcoming psychological trauma associated with terrorist attacks. HEART teams, together with grassroots leaders and volunteers, will then reach out to the community before, during, and after a terror incident to provide psychological first aid and support affected individuals and families.
For the residents, PM Lee also urged them to acquire life-saving skills, such as how to perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to help immediately resuscitate family members and neighbours when needed.
The Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs Desmond Lee has also urged more people to download and use the SCDF’s myResponder mobile app, an app to alert its users if there is a report of somebody has a cardiac arrest nearby.

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