AGC compels Han Hui Hui to take down posts that are in contempt of court with threat of prosecution

AGC compels Han Hui Hui to take down posts that are in contempt of court with threat of prosecution

Activist and blogger Han Hui Hui, who was convicted and fined $3,100 last year over the ReturnOurCPF event in September 2014, has been asked by the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) to remove her online posts, in which she insinuated that judges had lied in order to persecute her.
AGC wrote to her on Monday (13 March), demanding that her to take down the posts and apologise for her allegations on all her social media posts, giving her seven days to do it. If she does not do it, the AGC will file contempt of court proceedings against her.
The AGC said her online posts are in contempt of court.
AGC, using the Jan 22 post that Ms Han has posted as an example. In the post, Ms Han wrongfully states that she and the other co-accused persons tried together with her, were convicted because the court wanted to politically persecute them.
“In addition, it wrongfully insinuates that the court secured your convictions by deliberately finding fault with you on unimportant issues,” AGC said.
In the 22 Jan post, Ms Han had written about the court’s ruling:  “It is a blatant case of political persecution with the deliberate nick-picking in order to convict us”. She also wrote the fine sentence was “with the sole intention of political persecution to disqualify me from standing for parliamentary election”.
An individual is disqualified from being a candidate in election if he or she has been convicted of an offence and fined $2,000 or more.
The AGC said about the post made on 22 Jan, “These are very serious allegations which scandalise our courts. They are scurrilous, false, and made without any rational basis.”
TOC understands that six social media postings are highlighted to Ms Han for removal.
In a posting on her Facebook page on Monday (13 Mar), Ms Han wrote that Singapore’s Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) had written to her, informing that they are intending to commence contempt of court proceedings against her, but she only noted that she potentially face 6 charges, and for each charge, she will face a fine not exceeding $100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or both.

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