No discrimination of civil servants based on qualifications? What are the statistics?

No discrimination of civil servants based on qualifications? What are the statistics?

I refer to the article “Not a grad? Not a problem” ( Straits Times, Mar 5).
4 non-grads who rose to the top
The article from Straits Times notes that the civil service wants to dispel the perception that there is a glass ceiling based on academic qualifications and its latest step to do so was to stop grouping its officers by their education levels on 1 Jan.
Civil servants used to be put into four divisions. Division I officers were graduates; Division II, diploma and A-level certificate holders; Division III, secondary education; and Division IV, primary education.
“Insight speaks to four senior public servants who are proof that degrees are not everything in the civil service. Although they did not make it to university, they still rose to the top.”
Only 4? Why not give the statistics?
Instead of just citing four persons from the entire civil service – we should give the statistics as to what percentage of non-graduates have made it to senior positions.
What percentage of non-Division I officers in Division I appointments?
As to “As of 2013, 56 per cent of the 80,000 civil servants were in Division I. About one-third were in Division II, and 7 per cent and 5 per cent in Divisions III and IV respectively” – since we are able to breakdown such statistics – surely we can give more detailed statistics in this regard.
For example, what percentage of Division II, III and IV officers, were able to make it to what were typically appointments filled by Division I officers?
What percentage were eventually promoted to higher appointments over the years?

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