Dear Jay, exploring another side of grief and understanding mental illness

Dear Jay, exploring another side of grief and understanding mental illness

This original Singaporean play, “Dear Jay” helmed by director Hazel Ho, playwright Euginia Tan and producer Benedict Leong will be staged at the Esplanade Theatre Studio from 15 – 18 December 2016.

“Dear Jay” was conceptualised by Tan and Leong after discussing their personal struggles and journeys with mental illness. Being youths themselves, they both agreed that this is an important subject matter that not only needs to be raised and talked about, but more importantly be understood.

In the play, Leonard struggles to come to terms with Jay’s untimely suicide, discovering how tiring continuing life for his friend’s sake has become. He spirals further into the murkiness of loathing, panic and anxiety, while experiencing liberation as the fortress for his feelings crumbles further.


“Dear Jay” does not say that having mental illness is “okay”. Dear Jay also does not say that having mental illness is not “okay”. Ultimately, the impetus and driving force of the play comes from the whole idea of being understood. Not just for the individual struggling with it, but also for the people around them.

The play explores another side of grief. Instead of compelling audiences to overcome, the audience is invited to immerse and allow for the alternative of simply wondering what it would mean to self-destruct in the face of normalcy.

Dates: 15 – 18 December 2016
Venue: Esplanade Theatre Studio
Timings: Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening shows at 8.00pm, Saturday and Sunday matinee shows at 3.00pm

For tickets, please email the production company at [email protected]. Tickets are priced at $35.

Started in August 2016, Blue Bean Production sets out as a production company that not only provides logistical support to the local arts industry, but ultimately aims to serve as a platform for up and coming art makers to showcase their talents, idea and creativity.

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