Concrete facade nearly toppled on four storey Tampine HDB block, no one hurt

Concrete facade nearly toppled on four storey Tampine HDB block, no one hurt

A concrete facade at a four-storey HDB block along Tampines Street 23 was unseated and fortunately did not drop down from the top floor. No one was hurt in the incident that happened on Sunday morning, 25 September.

The collapsed structure functions as a sun shield for a unit on the fourth floor of Block 201E.

CNA reported the owner of the HDB building block, the Tampines Town Council, has been directed by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to engage a professional engineer to advise on the necessary procedure to remove the relocated sun breaker, and to conduct an investigation and recommendation of permanently rebuilt works.

Member of Parliament for Tampines GRC Cheng Li Hui said, an engineer and safety officer have assessed the situation and concluded that the main building structural integrity is not affected by the incident.

A sun shield below which hold the falling structure, on the third floor, was also damaged during the fall. Ms Cheng said the structure will not be removed on Sunday as it may not be safe to do so, “It’s still quite attached, so we will be building a proper platform and we will be looking at removing it over the next week.”


HDB and town council officers used some cables and a net to hold up the sun breaker. The area was enclosed.

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli, who is also the MP for Tampines GRC, wrote on his Facebook, “.. on transit from NY in Frankfurt and alarmed when friends shared the news on the concrete structure that gave way in Tampines. Relieved that no one’s hurt… Currently HDB, BCA, and TTC are investigating the matter. Will be working with the relevant authorities on this when I’m back tomorrow.”

Others also commented on the news posted in CNA’s Facebook, some are quoted below.

  • Felicia Loh This need to be investigated thoroughly…..not acceptable for such case happen again….It will kills.
  • Hwee Kuan Do check the below one too. As it had hit by the fallen one and also have been holding on or rested by the fallen one for hours.
  • Ranger Chua The minister in charge had already left this world
  • Suresh Kumar How come they did not use steel to connect the joins? Seems like concrete glue being used to join the sun shade concrete. Is this how BCA approve construction in Singapore?
  • Kai Yuan Seah Yes. U got a problem gahmen don’t care
  • BryantJaejoong Ong This wasn’t the original design to have this structure to have in this HDB, this was the add-on structure a few year ago, that was why it doesn’t have any steel connect the joint.
  • Suresh Kumar BryantJaejoong Ong: That should not be a case, right? Even its build after a few years ago, they should have use metal or bolt & nut method. It doesn’t seem to be done that way. Look like sloppy design.
  • Suresh Kumar Kai Yuan Seah: I don’t have a problem with my government. It’s something you need to figure out your problem.
  • Lim Bee Wat not only need connect with rebar, they also need chemical glue to fully support. This is what we called the loop hole…someone wants to cut cost find cheap cheap sub con…just as we know..u pay peanut u get monkeys
  • Kok Joo Low Fast response for a Sunday. Great job.
  • Benson Fong Yow Fook Because of danger . If not who care .
  • Subihan Md Zain Now the focus on HDB.
  • Ong Gerald If this one can give way…how about the rest?
  • Gerard Tan Cheaper, better, faster… That’s why like that la…
  • Dahlan Abdullah If earthquake in cinapura abis liao all HDB collapses like dominos
  • Max Lim These is an upgraded project?
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