Police report made against alleged assault involving Amos Yee

Police report made against alleged assault involving Amos Yee

A police report has been filed by a member of public against an alleged assault that involved the teenager, Amos Yee during the last weekend. The incident was documented on video and had been reported online.

29-year-old, Brendan Chong shared that he decided to make a police report on Wednesday as the authorities have not commented on the case till date.

He hopes that the case is promptly investigated because, not only for Yee’s own personal safety, but for the safety and well-being of the general public as the incident happened in a crowded shopping centre.

He feels that there is a possibility for it to happen if more people feel they could take the law into their own hands.

The video that was shared by Yee showed him asking a Chinese male if he took a picture of him. Following Yee’s question, the Chinese male chased Yee and had Yee shouting for help.

A third party video showed the Chinese male hugging Yee tightly along the corridor of the shopping mall, Jurong Point with bystanders watching in confusion.

Yee is currently under bail with 8 charges filed against him by the police. Yee faces six charges of intending to wound the feelings of Muslims or Christians and two counts of failing to report to the Jurong Police Division for investigations.


Below is the police report filed by Brendan Chong in full,

A video first surfaced alleging the attempted and intended assault on the victim, Amos Yee. (Link to the video on YouTube)

Clearly the would-be assailant face was clearly seen in the video. It appeared the would-be assailant has a girlfriend, also seen in the video. He the appeared to chase the victim into the supermarket. The victim cried for help, purportedly show the victim in distress

A second video , not recorded by the subject, but by a witness, indicated that the perpetrator did lay his hand on the victim, and forcefully restraining him. In my opinion, this could be seen as a potential outrage of modesty as well.

The perpetrator’s is described as a small-to medium built, fair skinned man, and are similar in both videos as well as a static image on the following website.

I would like the police to investigate this issue as, I believe, non-action could lead to escalation of violence and compromise public safety when people take matters into their own hands. I understand that I have no knowledge of the prior chain of events leading up to the incident, but I hope investigations will reveal a clearer picture, and bring all those responsible to justice.

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