NTU students lead campaign to target binge drinking in youth

NTU students lead campaign to target binge drinking in youth

“Don’t Choose Binge (Don’t CB)” is an anti binge drinking campaign led by four final year students from Nanyang Technological University’s Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (NTU WKWSCI).
This youth-for-youth initiative, supported by the co-leader of the wine and spirits industry Pernod Ricard Singapore, reaches out to 18 to 25 year olds through educational roadshows and empowering them with the necessary knowledge and information to avoid binge drinking.
Appreciating the moment
Consuming alcoholic beverages is often part of celebratory moments. As part of the Don’t CB initiative, a series of appreciation classes allows youths to better understand and appreciate alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner. Youths were given the opportunity to learn more red wines with Singapore’s leading online destination for wines 75CL and NTU Wine Society.
Don’t CB will partner with Pernod Ricard Singapore to present brown spirits, wines and cocktails appreciation classes where participants will learn about the history and processes behind sprits, wines and cocktails.
“It is almost like fighting fire with fire, we want more youths to learn more about their drinks. In turn, there is a higher chance of them appreciating their beverage instead of chugging it,” said Campaign Representative Ethel Chua, 22.
Empowering the youths
This initiative empowers youth to drink moderately through the adoption of a buddy system. The campaign’s official hashtag, #nobuddygettingdrunk, is communicated through a series of on the ground events such as Roadshows at NTU, NUS, *Scape and The Central @ Clarke Quay and outreach events at selected nightspots.
“Most youths are influenced by their peers to drink more without realising that they are actually binge drinking. We want to promote a code of conduct where drinking buddies can look out for one another and still have a good time,” said Campaign Representative Jeanette.
The educational outreach efforts at NTU, National University of Singapore (NUS), *Scape and The Central @ Clarke Quay highlight the negative consequences of binge drinking and the simulation of drunken behaviour through the use of “beer goggles” provided by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). The next roadshow will be at The Central at Clarke Quay on 26th February, from 5pm to 10pm.
To prompt bar goers to adopt responsible drinking habits, bar kits carrying the campaign messaging have also been given out to patrons at night spots such as Holland Village’s Wala Wala Cafe and Bar; Baden Restaurant and Pub; and Clarke Quay’s District 10 Bar & Restaurant. Campaign leaders were also stationed at the bars to inform patrons on the ways of drinking responsibly and encouraging them to adopt the buddy system.
About “Don’t Choose Binge (Don’t CB)”
“Don’t Choose Binge (Don’t CB)” is an anti binge drinking campaign led by four final year students from NTU’s Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information in collaboration with Pernod Ricard Singapore.
For more information about the upcoming appreciation classes with Pernod Ricard Singapore, please visit www.facebook.com/dontcb.

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