SDA: Nation’s transport system cannot rest on the shoulders of just one man

SDA: Nation’s transport system cannot rest on the shoulders of just one man


Media statement by Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) on the Transport Minister, Lui Tuck Yew’s announcement about not contesting in the upcoming General Election.

SDA was surprised by the announcement that Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew, who was overall in charge for quite a while, had not appear in any way that this resignation was imminent.

Having said that, we respect that Mr Lui must have his own personal reasons for doing so and would rather put this down as mere speculation.

We understand that our transport system has recently given many Singaporeans reasons to gripe about, and it has since become a hot topic for many. When one is in the position of power, accountability is of key utmost importance. So if Mr Lui had felt that this was the right move to make, we wish not to give further comments.

Essentially, we feel that a nation’s transport system cannot rest on the shoulders of just one man. A sound and effective system should be implemented to handle the huge responsibility and avoid future glitches of shortfalls.

We strongly believe that our people deserve to enjoy an efficient and stress-free transport system. We hope that moving forward, our local transport system can be strengthened and various measures to improve the existing system be more succinct.

SDA hopes that under a new leadership, our people’s woes may be better addressed and new permanent solutions be introduced to ensure that as our nation grows, our resources will match up and grow along with us.

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