Being a leader to bring light to this gloomy situation for Amos Yee

Being a leader to bring light to this gloomy situation for Amos Yee

An open letter to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Dear PM Lee,

Amos has succeeded in getting the world’s attention about the darker side of your father, and the more Amos suffers from unjust treatments, the more the government has helped Amos succeed in a more phenomenal way.

Now, the whole world sings more of Amos’ courage than of you.


Amos has won.

You have lost.

And when you lose, Singapore lose, BIG TIME.

And I really don’t want to see anyone lose.

The handling of Amos case could have easily been made into a win-win situation for all, but of course, your think tank is incapable of conceiving that, because they are only technicians, held back by the technicalities of how political games “should be” played.

I like to think that you are just waiting for the right timing to step in and step up, and show the world that winning hearts is the only sure way to winning votes.

We have all seen your compassion and love as you raised your son, Lee Yipeng, a child with special needs, who has Asperger’s syndrome and is an albino. I have no doubt that a man with such a heart will treat all of Singapore children the way you treat your special child too.

It was heart-warming to hear your thank you speech at Yipeng’s school — Zhonghua Secondary School, so grateful to the compassionate principal who agreed to take him in, and to all the teachers who have helped him along the way.

It sure takes a village to raise a child, and In your enthusiasm, you further said that, “We will create many more pathways to success, not just a single narrow road to the top. And we will give every Singapore child the opportunity to succeed and the means to achieve his potentials and fulfill his goals. To do this, we need more than a good government and the government’s work, we need a much more broader involvement — parents, alumni, community, all coming together to support our school.”

Amos’ mother was so inspired by your high praise of Zhonghua Secondary School that she sent Amos there as well.

I sincerely call for your unique experience as a special parent and a leader (not just a politician) to finally bring light to this very gloomy situation. Only you can show us the way.

All the very best,
Siok Khoon

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