3 more companies deny links to Yang Yin

3 more companies deny links to Yang Yin

yangyinIn the latest twist to the controversy involving Chinese national and Singapore permanent resident, Yang Yin, three more companies have denied any association with him.
Yang had claimed or indicated in his business cards that he either worked for or had business dealings with three tour agencies – Chan Brothers, SA Tours and a Chinese agency in Zhejiang province in China.
However, according to a Chinese newspaper report, all three agencies have denied having any involvement with Mr Yang presently.
Chan Brothers said while Yang had led some of its tours some years ago, he was however never an employee of the agency.
SA Tours says it has never had any dealings with Mr Yang at all.
The agency in Zhejiang said Mr Yang has resigned some time ago and is no longer involved with the agency.
Mr Yang, 40, has been in the news in recent weeks for a court case over his Lasting Power of Authority (LPA) over the assets of Mdm Chung Khin Chun, 87.
Mdm Chung’s niece, Mdm Hedy Mok, filed the court application to have his LPA revoked on the grounds that Mr Yang had manipulated and ill-treated Mdm Chung in order to control her assets worth some S$40 million.
After the case came to light, it was later discovered that Mr Yang may have also falsified other claims.
The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) last week issued a statement to reject Mr Yang’s claims that he was a director with them, saying that the “Chamber has no association with Mr Yang Yin whatsoever.”
The SCCCI has filed a police report and the police has confirmed it is investigating the matter.
It is unclear if any of the three travel agencies which Mr Yang claimed to have dealings with have or would be filing police reports as well.
Shortly after the SCCCI incident, Mr Yang resigned as a “grassroots leader” in Ang Mo Kio GRC.
The Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio GRC, Intan Mokhtar, confirmed with the media that Mr Yang was indeed a “grassroots leader” but she said that Mr Yang “[did] not hold any position” in the grassroots.
Also last week, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said it was investigating how Mr Yang obtained his PR status in Singapore.
Mr Yang, a former tour guide, first came to Singapore in 2009 on an Employment Pass, and worked at the Young Music and Dance Studio which he had set up with Mdm Chung in the same year.
When exactly Mr Yang was given his Singapore PR status is unclear but news reports say it is believed to be after 2011.
The ICA, in its statement to the media about the investigation into Mr Yang, warned that “individuals who provide false information in their applications for immigration facilities will be dealt with firmly under the law.”
“In addition, they will have their immigration facilities cancelled or revoked,” the ICA added.
According to reports, MP Intan had supported Mr Yang’s PR application, although when asked about his grassroots connection, Ms Intan said “she did not know Mr Yang personally and that he was one of the many grassroots leaders in her constituency.” (Straits Times)
The Online Citizen (TOC) has written to Ms Intan to ask if she could confirm she had supported Mr Yang’s PR application.
We have yet to receive a response from the MP.
Mr Yang has denied manipulating Mdm Chung and said that it was she who had wanted him to be her “grandson” after they met in 2008 and Mdm Chung took a liking to him.
“Madam Chung also asked me to come to Singapore to stay with her… Since I had grown quite fond of Madam Chung, I decided that I would like (to act) as her grandson,” Mr Yang told the media.
However, Mr Yang’s online postings, on his website, Facebook page and online forums, told a different story – with him posting photos of some of Mdm Chung’s possessions which he had wanted to sell, including expensive watches,  pictures of him and his family enjoying expensive holidays and hotel stays, and boasting of how he would soon come into possession of millions of dollars.
One Chinese newspaper observed that despite his claim of being fond of Mdm Chung and how he had cared for her, none of his postings mentioned her – and none of the photos he posted had Mdm Chung in them.
Main photo from: The Alternative View.

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