The innocent man who was nearly hanged

From Yawning Bread:

The prosecution’s case against Zainal Kuning appeared watertight. They had a confession from him that he had stabbed to death Ang Chye, 65, a caretaker of a Yishun coffeeshop, on 2 February 1989, in what was alleged to be a bungled burglary. Zainal fit the profile of a likely burglar — a manual labourer, aged 30. He must have needed money.

He was accused of the murder alongside his friend Salahuddin Ismail. Salahuddin’s brother, Mohmad Bashir Ismail, was also charged with murder originally, but had his charge reduced to burglary.

At the trio’s trial, however, Zainal denied that his confession was voluntarily given. He claimed that he had been tortured and police officers had led him to believe that his accomplices had already fingered him as the one who had stabbed the caretaker and that if he confessed, he might get a lesser sentence.

Read about how Zainal Kuning was eventually found not guilty and was acquitted, thus escaping the mandatory death penalty. Full story here.


Join The Online Citizen and lawyer M Ravi at this Sunday’s event at Speakers’ Corner and hear why it is of utmost importance that the Elected President be given the power to grant clemencies. Please click here for details of the event this Sunday titled: “The Elected President is not a rubber-stamp“.

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